Monday, August 17, 2009

Rainbow Gathering 2009

I never thought I would say this, but this year's Rainbow Gathering, held near Cuba New Mexico, was truly a sorry state of affairs. This year I decided to go early for seed camp and to help set up. A friend drove me to Redding California where I met up with a very cool girl named Jess Blue who owns a ranch for wayward animals. There I fell in love with a Pit / Lab mix puppy that I adopted and named Siris ( and Jess drove me the rest of the way to the Gathering. Once I arrived I immediately plugged in to my favorite kitchen; Milliways. Setting up and building the kitchen was a lot of fun and for the most part seed camp was great. It was when the gathering went into full swing, around 2 or 3 days before the 1st of July, that all the madness started to happen. Normally money and alcohol are highly discouraged as they represent the "Babylon" that everyone is trying to get away from when One goes to a gathering. However alcohol was very prevalent at this year's gathering, and some girl actually tried to write me a check for Siris at "Trade Circle." Someone got stabbed and died this year due to alcohol (I heard the fight ensued over a nearly finished bottle of vodka). There was a war of the kitchens in which several kitchens slashed and hacked main supply tent (where all the food is stored) due to internal political conflict. On the 4th it rained all day so there was no Ohm for peace and instead there was a mad dance in the mud (still pretty fun). And at the end, there were numerous fist fights almost all of them related to alcohol (a very good reason it's usually discouraged). Some random guy actually tried to punch me while drunk and when I left that scene for quieter ground I came across two other guys in a fist fight at a kitchen called "Peace Village." One thing that did maintain my faith was the numerous "triple" rainbows that appeared after rainstorms in the main meadow. So beautiful. Maybe the Universe was trying to tell everyone something. After this I decided it was time to leave Rainbow and as I got all my belongings to the parking lot I came across a group of about 15 or so gutter punk kids drinking vodka and cheap beer. That night I awoke to someone screaming at the top of their lungs "Who stole my vodka? Who stole my vodka?" What a mess. So much for the Rainbow of peace and living light. The "Vision Council" decided that the gathering would be best held in Tennessee next year. I don't think I'll be going. Really, if I had to make a guess, I would say that the reason that so much alcohol and violence were present is mostly because main meadow was rather close to the parking lot. It was rather easy for people to leave the Gathering and go back into town for more alcohol. Last year in Wyoming, it was literally a 4 or 5 mile hike to get from the parking lot to the main meadow and once you were in you were staying until you left. Hopefully the "elders" learn something about planning water, food and main meadow setup from this years mistakes. Hopefully. Then again we are talking about the largest "un-organization" in the world.


Unknown said...

your retarded... go live on a commune if you want a closed community... rainbows a open place, and youll get just what your surrounding yourself with... hanging out in downtown rainbow land and the parking lot is a great place to get bombarded with all types of people.. if your trying to escape or evade people with different lifestyles or mindsets...your in the wrong place bucco... 2009 was an beautiful gathering.. and was partner light herself on fire and had to go to the hospital with terrible burns... and i had a great time.. and came back for clean up// welcome home

Artopium's Roving Festival said...

Well Seth, you just said it. Your "partner"; did she light herself on fire because she was drunk? And if you didn't realize how much violence and MURDER was happening, then perhaps you were a part of it? Did you even pray for peace? Or did you go to Rainbow to party like everyone else that year? I'm very open to all mindsets, as long as that mindset does not want to harm me or others. Anyone who wants may go to Rainbow, but the more partying, violence, drinking and such that happens the further away from the original intent Rainbow becomes. So be it. I don't think joining a commune is the answer, but I don't think I'll be going to Rainbow any more either. Besides, the Hopi prophecies called for 32 gatherings, which would make the 2004 gathering the last. No wonder none of the original elders go anymore. Hmmm. Perhaps it shouldn't be called The Rainbow Gathering of Living Light and Prayer For World Peace, but instead should adopt the new name: Anarchy Village or some other kooky name, to suit the idea that ANYONE can go and do ANYTHING. If that's what you like, enjoy it. You won't see me there.

D.C.s.Killer said...

Confusion over Hopi Legend
There has been a longstanding Rainbow rumor that the gathering was/is recognized by the elders of the Hopi people as the fulfillment of a Hopi prophecy. This was debunked by Michael I. Niman in his 1997 People of the Rainbow: A Nomadic Utopia.[31] Niman traced the supposed Hopi prophecies to the 1962 book Warriors of the Rainbow by William Willoya and Vinson Brown, which compares prophecy of major religious sects throughout the world and tales of visions from North American natives.[32] (see also Legend of Rainbow Warriors)